Thursday, July 7, 2011


Well AT LONG LAST - the dates are now set - the registration is now open - the planning and fundraising are well underway at home - and it appears that God has purposed in His heart for us to get to sit near you once again. We have longed and ached for this moment since we left you last October. You have been carried in our hearts, lifted in our prayers, and held close in the sharing of your stories. We are delighted to return and cannot wait to step foot on the soil where you wear your sweet selves out in service.

Our hearts desire is to bend down before you, even now, with a basin of water, and invite you to come and be refreshed, renewed, and revived. We are humbly asking for another opportunity to attempt to serve you. Please allow us this sacred privilege of coming alongside you and your ministry and attempting to speak life into weary places. You deserve a time to rest. God is offering you a time and a place to steal away to the high places with Him. We are honored to play any part in helping to usher you there.

It is a time set aside for you to be still. It's a surrendering to be served instead of being the one serving. It's a chance to be nurtured. It's an invitation to draw near to the heart of the Father with no other distractions for your time or your heart. We promise to show up ready to encounter Him among us. We pray you will too!!

Please Please Please invite any English speaking missionary woman that you know who would be blessed by this to come. We are planning a party and we want all of you to be a part of it.

Here are the details you need to know for now...

This years Sisterhood Revive Experience will be held at Villa Gracia on El Hatillo. If you need directions please let us know.

We will officially beginTHURSDAY OCTOBER 27 @ 5 pm. You may come anytime after 1pm. From 1 - 5 we will have space set up for you to visit, be pampered, read a book, have a hot cup of coffee or tea, just rest and relax. We encourage you to come as early as possible to get settled in and give your heart some time to prepare for our time together. It's a chance for a deep breath. Take it if you can.

We will end MONDAY OCTOBER 31 @ 9 am. We felt like we longed for so much more time the last time we were with you. More time to rest. More time to visit. More time in our prayer clusters to share and journey together. More time in praise and worship. Just more time. So we extended our time together this year. We humbly ask you to attempt to commit to being with us for the entire time. We know it's a sacrifice. It is for us too. We believe it to be a worthy one for all of us however. Each moment is promised to be planned with your heart in mind and directed by God's leading. We don't want you to miss a moment and we don't want to miss a moment that we have with you.

We cannot wait to see your faces...hear your stories...join your journeys...hug your hearts! We'll be there soon with arms wide open!!

Because He Adores You,
The Women of Purpose Team

Feel free to call with any questions (Jen Wright - 3351.9349 or email:

Friday, April 15, 2011


It's funny isn't it...a little over 6 months ago we might have bumped into one another in the bank or the supermarket and had absolutely no idea what one another's names were, let alone why in the world we were living in a little country called Honduras. When I bump into you now however in the airport or the restaurant, sincere heartfelt hugs are exchanged and a smile takes over just knowing the Christ who lives in you. I am certain you've noticed but the Lord has built a sisterhood here. It's a prayer we've all prayed at one point or another in this journey. He has answered and overwhelmed us by His kindness.

So we're calling for another SISTERHOOD party. It'll happen May 6 & 7 at Villa Gracia again.

Those sweet gals in the States are continuing to pray for and help fund these moments for us to get together. Your expenses will once again be covered by some very kind souls in the States who believe in what you're doing and want to provide moments for you to recharge so that you can continue to do it.

I am so doggone excited to see you again I can't stand it. Please pass the word along to anyone you think might be interested and register as soon as you can so that we can prepare for you all to be there.

Start Time: Registration will begin Friday May 6 @ 5:30 pm
HOWEVER you may come anytime after 1 pm if you'd like some extra time to lay in a hammock and read a book...take a nap...we will have stations set up again with something crafty to coffee and tea to enjoy together...from 1 pm to 6 pm will be no guilt down time and you are free to enjoy as much of that as you are able -- it is our hope that this will grant you time to rest.

End Time: Saturday, May 7 @ 4 pm

Where: Villa Gracia, KM 8.5, El Hatillo - Tegucigalpa

This is NOT limited to only the women who were with us at the last retreat. It is open to any English speaking gal who is ministering in this country who needs a place to rest and renew. It's a sisterhood we're eager to invite other women into. Please extend the invitation to anyone you know who would like to join us.

Please pray even now for the preparations that are being made and for our time that we will have together throughout this weekend. Our deepest prayer, aside from the networking, aside from all the fun we get to have being together in one spot, is that Christ will be elevated and glorified as we live out the calling He gave to us.

Please come spend a weekend with your sisters as we pursue His heart above all else.

See you soon!!!

With all our love,

Jen Wright, on behalf of the Women of Purpose Team

** Please feel free to call with any questions you might have 3351.9349

Friday, January 21, 2011



To the Sisterhood Revive Overnight Retreat :)

Ok sisters, we had so much doggone fun the first time, we're at it again. As promised, funded by some of my favorite people in the ENTIRE world, we have an opportunity to get together again to rejuvenate a bit. It certainly won't be exactly the same as when we had the whole team from the States and the event at CCI and all of that, but we're counting on the fact that God will show up and blow us away with His kindness again. He is faithful!!

When the idea for this first came about, we settled on the name "Sisterhood Revive" having absolutely no idea all that could or would come to mean. In ways I am unable to describe in words, in less than 48 hours we felt a sisterhood being born that extended farther and deeper than we could have known would happen. I really wish you could know ladies (in Honduras) how deeply you have settled into the hearts of some women (in the States) who love you and who pray diligently for you and who are DETERMINED with a vengeance not to leave you floundering or feeling like no one notices or cares. They are women of their word and this weekend is no doubt evidence of that. They have been asking when they get to come back and do it again. We'll talk more about that later, but let's just say they're itching to experience that all over again - you've touched them deeply.

One of my favorite parts of being together the last time was being able to look into the eyes of other women that you knew "understood" the things you said, but more than that, the things you couldn't find words for. We may not have understood each others stories completely, but one thing was certain...we all understood the dry empty moments you sometimes feel serving in a land away from home. We all welled up with tears when someone said the word "weary." It just felt good to be encouraged by someone who had walked a mile (or a million miles) through the same dusty places you have been walking. I was moved and encouraged beyond my ability to say so.

I cannot wait to see you all again. Please be prayerful about our time together even now. That God will meet us and mold us and help us to help one another look more like Him in the way we live and serve. are the details.

WOP Sisterhood Revive - TAKE 2 :)
Date: February 4,5
Start Time: Organized activities will begin Friday February 4 @ 6 pm -- HOWEVER you may come anytime after 1 pm if you'd like some extra time to lay in a hammock and read a book...take a nap...we will have stations set up again with something crafty to coffee and tea to enjoy together...from 1 pm to 6 pm will be no guilt down time and you are free to enjoy as much of that as you are able -- it is our hope that this will grant you time to rest
End Time: Saturday, February 5 @ 6 pm (If any of you are coming from out of town and need a place to stay Saturday night you are more than welcome to stay at my home and leave on Sunday morning to go back, I have several extra beds)
Where: Villa Gracia, KM 8.5, El Hatillo - Tegucigalpa

This is NOT limited to only the women who were with us at the last retreat. It is open to any English speaking gal who is ministering in this country who needs a place to rest and renew. It's a sisterhood we're eager to invite other women into. Please extend the invitation to anyone you know who would like to join us.

See you soon. We love you.

Jennifer Wright, on behalf of the Women of Purpose Team :)