Attached is the invitation letter that was sent out a couple of days ago announcing our 2nd annual Women of Purpose Sisterhood Revive Mini Retreats. What a blessing that the Lord is allowing us His abundant provision to be able to share this time together again. Please read for details below but as of today ... REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN and you can use the form to the right to sign up. We wait with eager expectation for all God will do among us.
Hello lovelies ... we miss you all so much and think of you so often and we cannot wait to get back down there to look into your eyeballs, to listen to your stories, to praise the Lord alongside you, and to encourage you and be encouraged by you. So we're coming running. We will be there again on MAY 4-6, 2012.
We are having to change our location for this one as Villa Gracia only had space open in living quarters we didn't really want to stay in due to older buildings with mold and a whole lot of bunk beds and only a few showers (and with a whole lot of girls that's hard). So we are going to try out a new spot and we're excited about that. We promise we'll still do our very best to make it cutesy and with touches of love in every way that we can. We will be hanging out this time at Villas del Valle in Valley of the Angels.
As is the usual format, we will open the retreat at 1 pm on Friday May 4 for any of you who are able to come for some rest and relaxation and fellowship before the official retreat begins. Registration for those of you who aren't able to be there early will begin at 5 pm and we will officially start with the opening session at 6:00 pm. We will end early Sunday morning by 9 am after breakfast. Please plan to come when the retreat begins and stay until it ends if at all possible.
Please understand that we are unable to offer childcare and are diligently attempting to honor each womans time to rest and renew and spend quiet time with the Lord. We ask that you please make arrangments for your kiddo's so that you can come and steal away with the Lord for a couple days to return a better wife and/or mommy after taking some time to renew your heart. ** Exceptions are made for nursing momma's if necessary.
As always, because we are attempting to steward well what God has entrusted to us to use for this ministry and these sacred times that we get to spend together, please give us detailed information about when you plan to be there and when you plan to leave so that we may plan well for numbers on meals and accomodations. We will provide dinner on Friday night, 3 meals on Saturday, and a light breakfast on Sunday morning before we leave. The cost of the retreat is free to you and sponsored by some amazing women in the States who believe it is their privilege to help encourage and invest in you and all you're doing to further the Kingdom.
I will be bringing some dear dear friends with me who are excited to wrap their arms around your neck as well. Some of them are faces you'll recognize and at least one of them you've not met yet. Momma Grose and Lisa Gould will be familiar hearts. Terri Caldwell will join us as well - she served on the Purpose Team before she and her husband and family transferred for a job to Germany. She's heard us rant and rave about you all and is flying in from Germany to be a part of the weekend. Delightful women who love you deeply and pray for you often.
Adriana will be leading our hearts in worship again this time. We consider it a true honor that she chooses to partner with us in this and her gift for leading us to the Throne Room is an anointing in no uncertain terms. Come with a heart ready to worship. You will NOT be disappointed.
You are welcome in this space. Invited to come. Just as you are. However you find yourself in this season. Filled to overflowing. Dry as bones. Satisfied or aching. Healing or broken. Right where you are with whatever you bring.
He will meet us there. In that space of honesty and transparency and authenticity. In the seeking and in the being found. In the desire to be known and the fear of being known completely.
He comes, He loves, He pursues, He tranforms, He redeems in that space where His presence makes contact with our heart. We beg for that. His presence. Open hearts. The beauty of being found. Adored. Reminded. Sung over. Delighted in. Made Different. Deeply Changed. Passion restored. Purpose redefined. Cup overflowing.
Come Lord Jesus Come.
We are beyond ourselves excited to be near your hearts again. Please invite any other missionary woman you know who would be blessed by a time of renewal and rest.
It is our true privilege to invite you to come - it is our deepest prayer that in coming you'll be enveloped by the heart of the Father and leave different than you came. Refreshed. Redeemed. Restored.
You are loved abundantly by Him and by us. We'll see you soon.